Remove layers from g-code

Hi all, new to Repetier but fairly experienced with 3D printers in general.
Repetier-Host was provided by my printer manufacturer (MP Select Mini). I would like to use it to edit a g-code file that was provided by a supplier. The g-code includes a raft and I would like to print the object without the raft. Is there a quick / easy way to remove the first several layers from a g-code file using Repetier-Host?
I see the ability to edit the code, and I'm fairly confident in doing so, but I also notice there is a z-height associated with each layer. I fear that if I simply delete the lines of code pertaining to the first few layers the z-height for the remaining layers will be too high. Is there a script or something that will do this for me and recursively alter the z-heights for the remaining layers? Maybe there's an even easier way using a function in RH or something?


  • You will allso need to take note of the last E value and set this at begining of new code with G92 E value.

  • there is no function removing layers. You can jump to layer starts in editor by hitting the star/end button the target layer. Holding shift while doing so marks the region from cursor to new position so you can delete that. As you already noticed this will make it continue at high z causing problems, so you need to add a G92 faking Z position so you get no gap where you deleted the layers and as Martin already pointed out watch the E value. Luckily normally on layer start you already have a G92 E0 doing this.
  • Is there a script for this? Seems like a pretty common concern that would be easy to write a script for.
  • No script.
  • Great thanks I'll look into this.
    Alternatively would it be possible to use Repetier to view the speed, layer, shell, etc settings for the provided g-code?
    I could simply obtain the model and replicate their output without raft checked on Cura.
  • You see layer in the editor. speed, shell etc are not available as information. There is just no common marker for shells or print move types.
  • In 2.0.5 you can switch between speed and extruder for coloring the model.
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