Frozen at Turn ON extruder. Connection Problems printing. Not with "Not Extruce" in "Manual Control"


I have a lot of problemas with my printer.

I can move in all axis using "Manual Control" but when I turn ON the extruder to start to warm, the printer still frozen. Not move in any axis, not home, not move warm... It happens using connection COM port or Local Server...

I have connections problems when I'm printing. Error: 'Communitation Timeout - reset send buffer block'.
But when I print turning ON the option 'Dry Run' the printer works fine, not communication problems.

I use different USB Cables,
The bauds are the same in the firmaware, Print Settings and COM port.
I reduce the Receiver Cache Size to 63.

Is really frustrating for my, perhaps start a print but in any moment can be frozen or with Error: 'Communitation Timeout - reset send buffer block'.

I use the last RepetierFirmware and Repetier-Host 2.0.1

Can you help me please.

Thanks in advance.


  • Open log window (expert mode in host required) and see what firmware writes. Most likely it sais something about decoupled printer stopping everything. Also it might reset when that happens - you should then see a "start" in log appear.
  • Sorry I don't understand so much what I must do...

    It is what shows the Log Window at connect to the printer:

    20:18:39.751 : OpenGL version:4.5.0 NVIDIA 382.05
    20:18:39.752 : OpenGL extensions:GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect ...
    20:18:39.756 : OpenGL renderer:GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2
    20:18:39.756 : Using fast VBOs for rendering is possible
    20:20:09.599 : Printer reset detected - initalizing
    20:20:09.629 : start
    20:20:09.630 : Free RAM:3341
    20:20:09.646 : SelectExtruder:0
    20:20:09.903 : PrinterMode:FFF
    20:20:09.991 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
    20:20:09.996 : DebugLevel:6
    20:20:10.002 : SelectExtruder:0
    20:20:10.007 : Unknown command:N7 M20
    20:20:10.093 : DebugLevel:6
    20:20:10.101 : SelectExtruder:0
    20:20:42.068 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
    20:20:46.366 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
    20:21:35.939 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000

    You talk about this lines?
    20:20:09.599 : Printer reset detected - initalizing
    20:20:09.629 : start

    When the printer remains frozen is some commands waiting and some times I can't do anything.

    Sorry I don't understand that you say:
    'Also it might reset when that happens - you should then see a "start" in log appear.'


    Sorry about my unknowledge... :-(

  • Yes I mean that line but not on connection. When you initially connect the host resets the printer so that one is fine.
  • Any other idea to solve the problem?
  • Does the read temperature rise while being blocked? Some heat commands block communication until target temperature is reached, so watch temperature graph if that happens. Wrong configuration of heating parameter especially max PWM being too low can lead to never reaching a temperature.
  • Not, ALL is frozen... Nothing react... The temperature graph still frozen...
  • If nothing comes through it might be that communication crashed. Do you have an other power unit you could try? Or try without heating bed. If voltage goes down too much strange things happen on printer side that can have big side effects like this. So reducing power usage from other sources to test extruder heating would be an idea and then see how far you come if you add more power consumptions (motors, bed).
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