Need help with RADDS on my Kossel XL Delta
I created the firmware for the board on the site and uploaded it to the Due. When I try to move any of the axis all I hear are the motors turning. Could be the steps are off or other reasons. If you have a delta with raps 128 drivers could you link your config for a template?
So X moves, but very slowly. When I home all/autohome, only x moves...
So X moves, but very slowly. When I home all/autohome, only x moves...
top copy values from configuration.h to eeprom so these are used and not what you stored from previous uploads.
If motors make a screaming sound they are loosing steps from being moved too fast. Might also that your substeps are not set correctly with jumpers.
2. Buzzing seems to be the problem. This happens e.g. when only one coil gets power or if the current is set too high on driver they also start singing. Too high stepper frequency is also a reason. Having bad contacts on all 3 motors is a bit unlikely except you needed to wire the cable yourself then you might have combined wrong cables the same way. But normally you get them with matching connectors.
What steps per mm have you set in eeprom for which microstepping?
I'll check the driver's power
80mm for all axis
for description of jumper settings. And make sure current is set correctly. If enabled you should need a good force to move the glider. But also do not set too high as that gives jittering.
When I call M501, only 3 things show up from EEPROM:
transformation matrix
Select Extruder
Flow Multiply
There is no setting related to speed in EEPROM currently. Any solution to this? I looks to me like there are just no settings being written to EEPROM. I've tried uploading firmware using both EEPROM mode 1 and 2, no difference.