HELP 'SD init fail' Repetier 0.92.9
Hello guys,
I have been wrecking my brain all night over this and cannot get my printer to work. I have just yesterday updated my firmware from a very old version (2014) to the latest 0.92.9. My main reason for doing that was that I needed to configure a new thermistor type for my E3D V6 clone as my old firmware did not have the NTC 3950 100K option.
To populate the 0.92.9 version I used the online configuration tool and dropped in my old firmware configuration.h file. I only changed my thermistor from 3 to 14 and downloaded.
I have flashed my board and re calibrated. I was just about to hit print when I have now run into the 'SD init failed' error and my SD is displaying blank on the LCD controller.
Board is a Arduio Due with RADDS shield. Also using the RADDS LCD controller 40x20. SD Card is the same SD Card I have been using for years on that machine - 8GB SDHC, Formatted to FAT32. Also there are no other SD cards or Micro SD card plugged in to any of the other ports.
I have also tried re formatting the card tonight too but that did not make a difference.
I have googled this issue a lot tonight and there seems to be quite a few people with the same problem but I am yet to see a solution.
Please help!!
I have been wrecking my brain all night over this and cannot get my printer to work. I have just yesterday updated my firmware from a very old version (2014) to the latest 0.92.9. My main reason for doing that was that I needed to configure a new thermistor type for my E3D V6 clone as my old firmware did not have the NTC 3950 100K option.
To populate the 0.92.9 version I used the online configuration tool and dropped in my old firmware configuration.h file. I only changed my thermistor from 3 to 14 and downloaded.
I have flashed my board and re calibrated. I was just about to hit print when I have now run into the 'SD init failed' error and my SD is displaying blank on the LCD controller.
Board is a Arduio Due with RADDS shield. Also using the RADDS LCD controller 40x20. SD Card is the same SD Card I have been using for years on that machine - 8GB SDHC, Formatted to FAT32. Also there are no other SD cards or Micro SD card plugged in to any of the other ports.
I have also tried re formatting the card tonight too but that did not make a difference.
I have googled this issue a lot tonight and there seems to be quite a few people with the same problem but I am yet to see a solution.
Please help!!
With RADDS LCD activated you need to use the lcd sd card which is the active one then. Do not add on ein the RADDS board directly.
Also is the error just once or does it repeat slowing down everything?
I then re flashed my new 0.92.9 firmware and the SD init fail error is still there.
I am only using the SD card slot on the LCD screen. Not the one on the board itself.
Also the error only shows up once in Repetier host, it does not echo.
uint8_t const SPI_FULL_SPEED = 0;
/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/3 for Due */
uint8_t const SPI_DIV3_SPEED = 1;
/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/4. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
uint8_t const SPI_HALF_SPEED = 2;
/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/6 for Due */
uint8_t const SPI_DIV6_SPEED = 3;
/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/8. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
uint8_t const SPI_QUARTER_SPEED = 4;
/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/16. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
uint8_t const SPI_EIGHTH_SPEED = 6;
/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/32. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
uint8_t const SPI_SIXTEENTH_SPEED = 8;
/** MAX rate test - see spiInit for a given chip for details */
So maybe just start with 1/16th and see if it works. If it does you can check how fast you can go or compare with your old version what speed was used there.
Please see my old and new initsd code from SDCard.cpp below:
- OLD firmware that works -
- New 0.92.9 Firmware that doesn't work -
change it to :
for beginning , if that works change to SPI_EIGHTH_SPEED and so on
code looked like the following:
On a side note my 'back' option on the menu has been removed. I have changed #define UI_HAS_BACK_KEY from 1 to 0 and uploaded but it has not brought the 'back' option back.
Is there maybe something I am not doing correctly or something preventing the upload being done correctly. Surly changing this to '0' should of brought back my 'back' button or is it override by another code?
If my flashing is not happening correctly then regardless what I try here for the SD init fair problem it will never work.
Therefore my SD init fail and missing 'back' button problems are still unsolved!
So back to the 'SD init fail' it is still a mystery and not working. It may also be worth noting that on my old firmware that as soon as inserted the SD card it automatically took you to the SD card menu of file. On this firmware it does nothing.
Anything else I can try?
Also if you try later to mount sd does it also fail (to rule out timing at the beginning).
What do you mean by 'spi'. Sorry my knowledge of coding is not great. Im learning as I go.
I did have to move to the 0.92.9 firmware to suit my new hotend thermistor. Its type 14.
Also how do you mean mount the SD?
Or if anyone else's has anything else I can try??
Ive tried mounting it and on Repetier Host it says
Ive tried it several time and each time I get the same response.
One of the times when I pressed the 'mount' button it triggered the Watchdog Reset and reset the printer.
Hello guys,
I have read post after post about this issue and no one can seem to get to the bottom of it. I really want to get this working again as I do not want to have to leave my laptop plugged into my printer while its printing.
Repetier seems to think its a timing issue, does anyone know to fix it?
That is also why I said that other spi devices might interfere if you have any. board has none, so only if you added something or configured something not connected.
What you could try is start new config in tool and only select board and display, nothing else. This is just to test if you have added something causing the problem.
Thanks for the reply. I have done what you have said tonight with the online configuration tool. I created a new one with just the control board and the LCD display configured. I left everything else standard. I compiled and flashed my board and still I am getting the 'SD init fail' error. Therefore I don't think there are any more SPI devices interfering (whatever they are).
What I do notice is that when I put my SD card into the printer and it says 'SD Card inserted' if I press the knob button it will not go into the menu for a few seconds. Its almost like its froze. I assume this is while the board tries to read/initialise the SD card. This never happened on my old firmware and intact if I put my SD card in it would automatically jump into the SD Card menu.
Don't know if this is relevant or not but I thought I would share as it make me think there is a speed/timing issue.
Does anyone have anything else to try?
I finally got it working!!!!!
Currently running a 3 hour test print to ensure it does not drop out in the middle of a print but so far all is looking good!
So the solution:
After my last test of creating a brand new configuration with just the RADDS board and RepRap 40x20 LCD set as options and it still not working I knew it had to be something different within the 0.92.9 code vs my old 2014 firmware. As Repetier says above it couldn't be SPI conflict from something I configured wrong so I opened the two side by side in TextEdit (notepad) and started to read through them looking for differences. This was very difficult as I am not good at reading code!
I remember reading another forum post about the same thing ( ) in that post Repetier says the following about the pin allocation for the SD card reader:
#define SDSS 4// 4,10,52 if using HW SPI.
Both the Pins.h for the 2014 firmware and the 0.92.9 firmware matched: #define SDSS 4
I then looked at the ui.h files as 'driv3l' from the other post said he had issues with it conflicting.
When I looked at the ui.h there were quite a few differences. Firstly there is a lot more information in the 0.92.9 version of ui.h compared to the 2014 firmware. (not surprising due to the timescale).
In my 2014 version I had the following:
In my 0.92.9 version I had the following:
I then thought why is my pins.h file saying #define SDSS 4 but my ui.h file saying #define SDSS 10. I understood from the post above that to get the SD to read from the LCD that I needed:
so my SPI_PIN and SPI_CHAN values were fine but my SDSS value was wrong. Therefore I tried changing my SDSS value to 4 and left the other two. This then meant that my SDSS values in pins.h and ui.h matched.
I saved the file, compiled and flashed -> BINGO!! IT WORKED!!
Maybe this is obvious and I should of picked up on it before now but as I said Im not too good with all this.
Hopefully this will help someone else that encounters the same issues as I had as it seems to be quite common to have the SD init fail error.
Thanks guys for all the help you gave me.
Strangely if you check what SS pin needs which channel
You see that 4 would be mapped to 87/1.
I wonder what would happen if I changed SDSS to 10 in ui.h and also SDSS to 10 in pins.h? To me it seemed like the difference of having SDSS as 10 in ui.h and SDSS as 4 in pins.h was the problem. So maybe if both were 10 they would also work.
Now that I have it working I'm just going to leave it and not test my theory! lol Also my 3hr test worked fine, not communication or drop out issues ( just bed adhesion ones