New to 3d printing / Repetier host
question - I just finished putting together a oneup from q3d - say what you will it taught me alot - however, trying to correct some 'banding' on the sides of my prints I replaced the z axis threaded rod with a 8MM lead screw - now the printer moves like 30mm for every 10mm I say in the manual control of repetier. As I am new to printing - I am still trying to work the bugs out (and if anyone knows is q3d out of bidnezz or? cause they don't respond at all) I posted here because I don't even know where to start looking let alone searching. (and I am pretty sure this won't be my last question either <span>
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question - I just finished putting together a oneup from q3d - say what you will it taught me alot - however, trying to correct some 'banding' on the sides of my prints I replaced the z axis threaded rod with a 8MM lead screw - now the printer moves like 30mm for every 10mm I say in the manual control of repetier. As I am new to printing - I am still trying to work the bugs out (and if anyone knows is q3d out of bidnezz or? cause they don't respond at all) I posted here because I don't even know where to start looking let alone searching. (and I am pretty sure this won't be my last question either <span>

Most of the lead screws you buy are whats called '4 start leadscrew' so at 1/16th microstepping you will need
steps/mm = 400. you can set this directly into the eeprom using repetier host eeprom editor.
M92 Z400 ;sets Z steps=400
M500 ;stores value to eeprom if enabled
The thermistor went fine - and now repetier is happy with my printer.
Another question I have is - my filament isn't getting jammed per se however it isn't staying in the hotend during the print - it like spews out the side before it gets to my hotend - kinda like the motor is too fast - I have it set to .98 in the slicer config - it just doesn't seem to want to take - before I replaced my zaxis threaded rod it had to be at 1.1 to print anything - so weird - I don't even know what to call that type of thing as it isn't a jam - I just cut the filament pull the wrinkled filament out and start a new one - this however messes up my print every time and I can't even print something (say a 20mm dome 30 minute print) before I get another jam.
any ideas?
My first printer was a OneUp. There are a lot of mods you can do. Limit switches (endstops) are a must in my opinion.Different hot-end is recommended also.
I had all the links but I deleted them a long time ago.
I think I am straying off topic for this forum so I will stop.