How to make Repetier-Firmware faster with mega2560 and Delta

Hello everybody !
In advance I ask to understand and forgive for my not perfect English.

I'm new to 3D printing. And for the start, I'll get myself a kit from China Anicubic Kossel Plus. This is Delta printer with trigorilla main boord. Trigorilla main boord is an analog of Ardurino Mega 2560 with ramps 1.4 and A4988 stepStisk.
I configured your firmware. It works fine, but I'm not sure that I picked up all the parameters perfectly
My configuration
I have a problem when printing fast round lines. The delta has micro-pauses.
I know that it's better to use a 32 bit fee for a delta. But so far I have that I have
I have a few questions:
1Pravda that for better printing I need to disable the firmware from the screen and the SD card? To use only a computer when printing?
2 Maybe I need to change some parameters when printing?
Such as these:
#define MOVE_CACHE_LOW 10
#define LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE 250000
3 Is it possible to reduce the number of display parameters on the display? I'm still not ready to give up the screen and the SD card.
4 if I change drivers of stepper motors to TMC2100 this will worsen or improve my situation?

Thanks for the answers


  • For deltas use character displazs onlz with 20x4 chars. Graphic displazs take 0.1s per update and this can easilz be a perfomance problem then. Even on 32 bit graphic display can be a problem if you move fast through menus.

    With mega do not think about printing fast with deltas. You have to pay a price for it in worse quality as you need to reduce resolution or update frequency.

    In curves you need to cache more segments especially if you have small segments. Here you need to increase PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE but mega has not enough ram to do so.

    So print slower to keep within 8 bit limits or use 32 bit for 10 times better performance and more ram for optimizations.
  • thanks for the answer
    How much CPU time is taken by the PID controller? Maybe if the exact temperature is relevant for the extruder. For a table it is not so actual and for a table it is better to use Bang Bang. To the processor not obyatyvativ 2 pid regulator.

    Are there any other settings that allow you to remove excess CPU load?

    What is better in my case to print from a CD or a computer for greater speed?
  • pid overhead is negletible compared with delta computations. Delta computation does 160-180 times per second complicated computations including 4 sqrt computations. pid is nothing.
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