CoreXY issue X&Y swapped or only forward or back and not side to side

Trying to get My Corexy up ad running Z AXIS is fine my issue is with the XY only moves forward and back  and never side to side have tried swapping motor leads and reversing motor plugs (My belts don't cross x is the lower pulley and Y is the upper pulley ) on separate pulleys and motors  (may also be my issues not crossing thought if one motor moves side to side if both moves then front and back have to change Also tried system 1 and system 2 seems like either the belts are pulling both motors or the motor are both moving in X & Y how do i stop hold my motor (if that is the issue )  (Repetier host & Firmware 0.92)


  • went on you tube and another COREXY Yellow being manipulated by hand is almost identical  his was held together ith spring clips. Must be a programming issue or am i overthinking  can it not operate or  run side to side in Manual ?
  • Forward/back needs 2 motors just like side to side. Test M119 to see if side endstops are preventing the move.

    Does homing also not move it a bit side to side?
  • edited May 2017
    will try the m119  while hovering over the E-stop, working on installing end stops mounted but have to lengthen the wires.  Ok came back with the Following: end stop hit: x-min:L Y-min:L Z-min :L ?

  • If endstop is hit is should show H for the endstop. If not is is configured wrong.
  • Did you ever figure it out? When you swap motor leads don't forget the endstop too. Also did you invert one motor connector only? My corexy uses a x-min, y-max, z-min setup.
  • Sorry this a  bit long this time, catching up was on-call for a few days
    Still no side to side all controls X&Y still only give forward /back motions

    When i entered M119 came back with the Following: end stop hit: x-min:L Y-min:L Z-min :L
    do i want the end stop hit ON (above) ?

    Settings very basic (Corexy selected) steps and system 1 or system 2 used the online  0.92 configurator.
    basic recommend settings  don't recall inverting any setting and no end stops or limits have been set . (have to lengthen the wires.

    DO i have to have the limits / end stops  set in place for the X&Y to change direction?
    Tried swapping motors X for Y ETC.. (same actions)
    tried reversing  the motor leads connector  flipping over (front to back) (same actions)

    FYI, The Z motors are disconnected removed motors leads (just for testing X&Y) they do work screw motors are 0,9 (6400 steps)  the x & Y motors are 1.9 belt drive GT2 so that is set @200 steps lift at least 10 lbs cant imagine anything that weight but :>) good to have the capability,

    Should i post the config H here?
    Using ramps 1.4 with Repetier 0.92 firmware and host note my heat sink for the extruder for testing is a pot lid for safety as it is not mounted and the full discount LCD

    See below a view  of top frame X&Y this is a basic view:
    This is my own build ideas based on other CoreXY systems. The basic foot print is internal 815x815x900 80/20 frame that is 2.2lbsover each z motor and my 8 lbs cat Z AXIS support and move works great.

    The X&Y 0.9 motors 16 pulleys and GT2 belt only move motors are on the back as shown 8mm screw with 12mm rods for Z Axis bearings and mounts the extruder bowden work.

  • You say you dont have the endstops fitted atm, i think this will prevent the motors moving in both direction until the printer is 'homed' (might be talking rubbish here)

    could you post a pic looking downwards, showing the layout of the belts.

  • You have endstops configured, but they do not trigger (L) so that should not be the problem.

    There is on option in config to only move after homing which comes in my mind. With this set you should not be able to move also everything else is configured correctly since you can not home.
  • only move after homing Ah that was in the back of my mind yes,  does not Know where home IS! Very Good point Guess i have a reason to wire the sensors I am going to go with the Capacitive sensor for the bed. Well a long weekend is a good thing here are two of the bottom view of the XY I'm likely going to have to remove that sensor support big hole plate, if you look to the rear it will just fit under the z axis bracket but will hit the rear support rod or the shaft from side to side those white tabs (thingverse) are z sensor end stops yes 3 of them since 3 direct drive motors My Z axis BEd moves up and down rather then the Gantry up and down :>)

  • edited May 2017
    keep in mind this is just after i had painted the plate so the rails belong on the screws not next tom them and the outer pulleys are off to the outside to provide tension on the pulleys  :>) yes that gantry can support 3 extruders. you turn this plate over it sits upside down.

  • well after a minor setback (cats) chewing on my wires arrg, (covered in plastic tubing out of site out of mine (hopeful)
    wired in some extension for the (X,Y) end stops with power closed contacts confirmed with m119 all X Y are H

    Z Min is all the way down or should i make all the way down Z max (one more to add length to as i the bottom reached :>)

    X&Y Tried moving think it tried to move Y to the right but wont move left (just slightly) but then wont move any farther right or left.

    Tried homing X goes to home red light closed Y starts heading toward the rear wrong way?
    my home X&Y is front left corner (0,0) or so i thought?

    tried swapping connectors x&Y again same, is their a setting change maybe try system 1 or System 2 again,
  • Front left is 0,0. z min is where bed touches extruder up or down depends always what moves and is unclear language here:-)
    You have I think 16 possible combinations to test for right moves. System 1/2, motor invert of 1 or 2 and swapping x with y motor. One of these will work.

    With xy homing make sure to move away from endstop when hit so no endstop is triggered after homing (except z min). This is important since x or y endstop can block motors and directions then are wrong.
  • OK will do  and i did not move XY back from end stop, at this point we are still in manual control :>) will Z min to top too have to lengthen the wires and cover so my cat wont think are treats :>)

  • After a lot of experimentation, made some changes to my belt and pulley system. As nothing else would make it work.
    after re-aligning the belts and pulleys, and confirming by hand that twisting and turning the motor pulleys that everything works (statically)

    Placed the CoreXY top back over an plunging in the ends stops i can now move in an X & Y fashion.

    Reset every thing back to static (false) changed the (motor direction on x & Y to 1)  now it moves.

    Need to figure out the numbers MM for overall travel as it stops after about 300mm of movement so it wont make to the end stops (Min)  even though the range is set to 525mm and 825mm (should have about 50-100) play travel not 200 +

    the other issue, when i enter m199 nothing just says end stop!  even though not on an end stop? so i must have changed something inadvertently.
  • Ist M119 not M199 to report endstop status!

    Steps per mm from pulley computed * 2 is what you enter I think, or it was sqrt(2). With fast corexy it is factor 1, but then you should use dev version.
  • sorry type meant M119 an total travel distance not MM per step. Used the configurator to make a clean copy using  0.92 and restored just the Config H now the end stops show again. making some headway, some bonehead issue crossed belts not aligned to pulleys geared pulleys instead on smooth pulleys on the gantry.

    now it moves X&Y not fully correct to get y to move left, X has to got to the rear left and if i push X full forward then Y is far left front. Cant home as my 0.0 is front left have tried many changes system 1 at the moment. The end stops off show L and activated show H however never get both end stops (home) min with the opposite ends on the Y axis lost track if the manual control may be reversed it is hard to tell with the traveling axis issues.
  • Ok, I'm officially confused as I do not have xy gantry myself and do not see what you are doing wrong. If no endstop is hit and your xy length are good (no software endstop triggered) you should be able to move in all directions. For pure directions always both motors must turn. Then it is just a question finding the right combination of drive system, motor revers and direction inverse depending on wiring and mechanics.
  • how or do i make the X move forward and y go left ?
    at the moment this is backwards can you suggest something to try?

  • here is my config H, changed a few things and tried a few things
    swapped motors X & Y again still on system 1

    // ################ Endstop configuration #####################

    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MIN_INVERTING false
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z true
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z false
    #define max_software_endstop_r true

    #define min_software_endstop_x false
    #define min_software_endstop_y false
    #define min_software_endstop_z false
    #define max_software_endstop_x true
    #define max_software_endstop_y true
    #define max_software_endstop_z true
    #define ENDSTOP_X_BACK_MOVE 5
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_BACK_MOVE 5
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_BACK_MOVE 2
    #define ENDSTOP_X_BACK_ON_HOME 1
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_BACK_ON_HOME 1
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_BACK_ON_HOME 1

    // ################# XYZ movements ###################

    #define X_ENABLE_ON 0
    #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
    #define Z_ENABLE_ON 0
    #define DISABLE_X 0
    #define DISABLE_Y 0
    #define DISABLE_Z 0
    #define DISABLE_E 0
    #define INVERT_X_DIR 0
    //#define INVERT_Y_DIR 1zasssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe3w3nmy 0 (what is this) checking) looks like my cat walked on the keyboard?
    1/#define INVERT_Z_DIR 0
    #define X_HOME_DIR -1
    #define Y_HOME_DIR 1
    #define Z_HOME_DIR -1
    #define X_MAX_LENGTH 550
    #define Y_MAX_LENGTH 550
    #define Z_MAX_LENGTH 900
    #define X_MIN_POS 0
    #define Y_MIN_POS 0
    #define Z_MIN_POS 0
    #define DISTORTION_XMIN 10
    #define DISTORTION_YMIN 10
    #define DISTORTION_XMAX 190
    #define DISTORTION_YMAX 190

    // ##########################################################################################
    // ##                           Movement settings                                          ##
    // ##########################################################################################


    #define DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND_PRINT 180 // Move accurate setting for print moves
    #define DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND_MOVE 70 // Less accurate setting for other moves
    #define EXACT_DELTA_MOVES 1

    // Delta settings
    #define DELTA_HOME_ON_POWER 0

    #define MAX_INACTIVE_TIME 0L
    #define MAX_FEEDRATE_X 200
    #define MAX_FEEDRATE_Y 200
    #define MAX_FEEDRATE_Z 2
    #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_X 40
    #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_Y 40
    #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z 2
    #define ZHOME_HEAT_ALL 1
    #define ZHOME_HEAT_HEIGHT 20
    #define ZHOME_X_POS 999999
    #define ZHOME_Y_POS 999999
    #define X_BACKLASH 0
    #define Y_BACKLASH 0
    #define Z_BACKLASH 0
    #define STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY 3
    #define DIRECTION_DELAY 0
    #define STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY 12000
    #define DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY 0 // time in microseconds
    #define MAX_JERK 20
    #define MAX_ZJERK 20
    #define MOVE_CACHE_LOW 10
    #define LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE 250000
    #define DUAL_X_AXIS 0
    #define X2_STEP_PIN   ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN
    #define X2_DIR_PIN    ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN
    #define Y2_STEP_PIN   ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN
    #define Y2_DIR_PIN    ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN
    #define Z2_STEP_PIN   ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN
    #define Z2_DIR_PIN    ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN
    #define Z3_STEP_PIN   ORIG_E2_STEP_PIN
    #define Z3_DIR_PIN    ORIG_E2_DIR_PIN
    #define USE_ADVANCE 0

  • re-upload after fixing that one line Guess i need a cat free zone :>) When i hit the home button it now goes to the rear left corner with invert Y and X set to false just wish it was front left My motors are in the back facing down.
  • edited June 2017
    recoush said:
    // ################ Endstop configuration #####################

    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MIN_INVERTING false
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z true
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z false
    #define max_software_endstop_r true
    i  wonder how you can do homing without X/Y ENDSTOPS

    i  also  wonder  why you commented out
    #define INVERT_Y_DIR 1  and  #define INVERT_Z_DIR 0

  • well that was issue due to my cats again repaired the section of code and re-upload :>)
    do the hardware end stops have to be True (messed with trying everything)  maybe i need to do another config download :>)

    Today decided enough should be able to run the basic to fix or strip it down :>)

    went back to the basics

    1. do the motors work and which direction do they turn?
     Ran the X motor forward turns CCW smoothly (good)

    Ran the Y motor forward
    Not turning but is stuttering ( 2 possibilities)
    remove the Y motor, found many issues.
    not the same motor as X was a 1.9Degree that was about the only thing correct
    the x motor is a 2004S1 the Y motor is a 1504A one is 80 oz the other maybe 60 oz
    might be fighting each other.

    ran a resistance check 1.4 ohm and 6 ohm (humm)
    found one of the DuPont connectors and one wire was barley making contact (ok as easy fix)
    decided to rewire another extension on another better motor 2004S1 

    Plug it reran X then Y WOW!  IT works  Y turns opposite CW of the X CCW
    connect belts Not moving what the? (belts too tight)
    Hum (loosen) would not think that was possible these are 80 oz motors.
    Reset everything moves backwards instead of forward and left instead of right  (OK)

    Repetier host has a printer config select flip X & Y
    OK much better Y is still backwards set Y to invert in Repetier host
    Now  X and Y is moving correctly left right front and back

    now on to the homing issues
    suggestion when i home goes to the wrong spot backs off about 10mm or more and stops (is this due to the Hardware false?

    also when the x& y stops hit, does not back off manually ( at least now we work this out)
    time to celebrate and rest now :>)

  • edited June 2017
    Figured this issue out thank you every one :>)
    Going to start another new thread to address the end stops
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