Replace Zmin endstop by Z probe

I would like to add autobed leveling to my Zonestar P802M (prussa i3 clone). 

But what i was wondering if i replace my endstop by the probe how can i iniatialy home my system?
If i home X then Y and the Z the probe will nog be triggered.

It should home the Z when posioned above the bed (let`s say center)

thx for the info!!


  • edited May 2017
    you can use the probe as te Zmin endstop,
    In config tool
    under mechanics
    Use 'homing order' Z up X Y preheat Z
    set location for 'XY Homing pos. for Z' (set to centre of bed)
    Keep zmin endstop as normally open or closed depends on type of probe
    Z min pin= z min endstop

    Then in features
    tick enable Z probing
    Assign Z-probe pin as Zmin pin
    setup your probe offsets and probe points
    and test

  • Thx, i managed to find that i need the DEV version.
    Now i have the issue that is does not fit on my melzi board.
    I need to reduce the size of the firmware, i do not need the SD card support. But how do i remove it from the compiles code?
  • Uncheck "Enable sd support. Gets overwritten by ui-controller or board settings.". If you have also LCD you might need to edit in DisplayList the variable setting it on. SD Card is a bit tricky as it can be enabled at different places as side effect.
  • Allso unselect all unused languages to save memory
  • MartinH said:
    Allso unselect all unused languages to save memory

    But how to do this in the arduino code? do you have an example?


  • But how to do this in the arduino code? do you have an example?
  • Normally you use our config tool and uncheck the languages you do not need and recompile. Manually edit configuration.h near end you can set languages included.
  • I disabled arc support and know it compiles :-)
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