Configuration Dimensions

Please verify what the following dimensions are:

Carriage_Horizontal_Offset (Does this value really need to be entered?)
Delta_Max_Radius (Is it horizontal distance from the rod-carriage connection to rod-effector connection?)
Rod_Radius (Is it horizontal distance from the rod-carriage connection to rod-effector connection?)
Printer_Radius (Is it only the radius of the print plate?)


  • These are no host settings!

    #if !defined(ROD_RADIUS) && DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA

    So if you define ROD_RADIUS the offset is not needed.

    DELTA_MAX_RADIUS is the radius your effector should not leave for safety etc. has no influence on computations it self.

    PRINTER_RADIUS is just a helper to calculate ROD_RADIUS if not set.
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