Extruders offset bug
i stumbled on this bug back when i had single carriage-dual extruder but found a way to work around it by just putting the offset in ext0 rather than ext1, but now with dual-x carriage there's no way around as i will be needing both offsets.
machine: prusa i3 with dual x carriage
firmware: repetier development 19th april 2017
board: ramps 1.4 + external 6th stepper driver
description of the issue:
i'll simplify as much as possible: after switching from an extruder that has an offset, the next move of the newly selected carriage will be increased by the offset of the previously selected carriage.
this is a big deal as it makes carriages crash into eachother and into axis everytime.
steps to reproduce:
have 2 carriages:
ext0 X offset: 0
ext1 X offset: 10000
- home X axis with ext0 selected (bug happens regardless of which extruder is selected when homing btw)
- switch to ext1 (the carriage will move 10000 steps to the left)
- switch back to ext0 (right carriage will be parked back, left carriage will stand still as it has 0 offset)
- move X right 1mm
- watch as X moves at travel speed 10000 steps (which is the offset of second extruder) + 1mm
this when configured with proper offsets results in disastrous crashes of the carriages as the movement is at travel speed...
ps: for this test i had the machine setup with ext0 as left and ext1 as right, in contrast to the setup i had in my previous homing post, just to clarify