Another usage for Firmware ?
Hi @Repetier,
I'm currently developing an open hardware camera rig with 3 axes (Pan/Tilt/Slider) + 1 Follow focus + 1 Follow Zoom
That's means 5 steppers + 5 min_endstop
I'm currently using Configurable_Firmata, and everything is fine, except the bad steppers management (dirty moves, in short)
And I'd like to use Repetier and G-Code for more usability and development, the ability to easy use sd-card, serial port for wifi ou bluetooth, LCD, and so on...
I Spent 2 days on ALL the internet of this world (yes yes... or maybe almost) to find some answers, but...
So the true question is :
is it possible to run 5 steppers with an min_endstop for each one ? (XYZ E0 E1 ?)
If not by default, is it very complicated to 'hack' your firmware to achieve this goal ? Specialy if this 'hacker' is not a code writer (but can read and modify for testing...) ?
Thank you.
(note for clarity : because of this project countdown, I have to ask same question on others firmware forum)