No control of noze fan ?
I'm using a Prusa i3 made by Sunhokey ( and firmware in it is Smoothieware. So far I have succeeded to control printer pretty well with Repetier Server on my Raspberry in Wifi.
Nevertheless I have an issue: control of the fan for the noze is not working ! It'l always working full speed (whatever noze is hot or not). Control in Repetier server web interface does nothing
Any ideas what I can check ? I don't even know if it's an hardware issue (I double checked wiring already) or software one and how to solve it !

if it is Setup shown on Picture from the link, the fan is used to cool hotend .
This has nothing to do with a fan blowing to cool the print as you mention.
it is needed for this type of hotend to prevent Filament from sticking in the heatbreak.
so does this fan blow all the time or just when heater is active respectively starting to blow when reaching a certain
believe me it´s better to have the noise than having Filament blocking the hotend ;-)
i´m a little experienced in these e3d clones , don´t try to run it without the fan