Extruder heaters not turning on and extruder motor not turninig
i have just installed your firmware on a MPX.3 printer controller board and also installed dual extruders but the extruders will not turn on i have them plugged into extruder plug 0 and 1 but then I turn on the extruders manually in the client software.

the heaters don't heat up and they turn off on the software after a few seconds.
in the firmware i have them set as the default sockets and i have them plugged into the default sockets and when I test the power from those sockets i got no voltage coming to them after a try and turn them on manually with the repetier software.
it's like the board is not responding to the commands.
here are some images from my set up

i am putting the red waxy cables into the top green block e0 and e1 in the image below they were removed to test for a voltage on activation in the software and no voltage was detected

I'm not sure why it just started to play up but on a single extruder it was running marlin and worked ok
I just thought I could get better control using your firmware
I tried selecting Mega/RAMPS up to 1.2 and also RAMPS1.3/RAMPS1.4 none of the options make a difference to this.
the AXIS control now works fine XYand Z Auto level works great just no heating ability at all