Documentation-links to Skeinforge slicer broken? Skeinforge not bundled / no easy option any more?
Probably I'm just overlooking something, but ...
On for the Linux download I read:
"The Linux installer comes already with everything you need. It includes Repetier-Server, Slic3r, [,,,] , Skeinforge, [...]."
I did not find Sli3r included and downloaded installed it myself. Also I did not find Skeinforge included, but was not able to get to a working Skeinforge-installation on my own.
Following the link to "Slicing" under "Windows & Linux Documentation (see there is a subsection regarding Skeinforge.
I did not succeed in following the instructions there, maybe there really is no Skeinforge included in the current Linux download of Repetier-Host Software? The external link in the subsection "Slice with Skeinforge" seems not to lead to information about Skeinforge anymore.
"Skeinforge is an external slicer software which is bundled with the host and works nearly the same, the only difference is, that you have only one profile type to select from." (The link leads to
I also did not succeed to google current information regarding Skeinforge. There are some directories on github, but I can't identify whether and how they are meant to be used by 3D-printing beginners like me.
Do you have any hint, what I may overlook? Or can somebody confirm, that Skeinforge is not bundled with the Linux download (all downloads?) anymore? And whether Skeinforge is still a working slicing alternative, or should not be used anymore when beginning with 3D-printing?
Many thanks :-)