Stepper motors will not move no matter what
I'm extremely new to 3D printing but do have a working knowledge. I am running RAMPS 1.4 with Repetier firmware and absolutely nothing will make my stepper motors move. I bought a new controller and a new LCD (the RepRapDiscount Full Graphics Smart Controller) after my old controller broke (due to my accidentally switching the live and ground wires, which blew that controller) and was able to get the LCD configured and working with the Repetier firmware. My x-axis motor moved once (to the left) when I powered on the printer for the very first time with my old controller, and then never moved again. The firmware uploads to the board fine, and I've been trying to connect the four wires of the x-axis motor (I just chose one to focus on until I got it working) in different configurations to the board and have been using both the manual RepetierHost controls and the LCD controls and nothing will make this motor move. Its displayed position will change on the LCD and on my computer but the motor itself does nothing. It doesn't even get hot or make noise, though the motor itself does not seem to be damaged because when I connect an LED to its wires and manually turn the motor, the LED lights up (its an old test I found online). Could it be that theres something wrong with the way I configured my firmware? Are there any common settings that I might have missed when configuring the firmware that would make the motors not move?
Any sound when moving like a high pitched beep - that would be loosing steps from too high stepper frequency.
Also check steps per mm in eeprom and acceleration, print area.
No motor action, i have considered the steps per mm increase but not sure about reprogramming in marlin.
Are you plugging in a extrernal power supply to the bullet connector and the USB at the same time ?