G28 Command causes big noise

i have tried all movements X-Y And Z and all now seem fine

until the bed tries the auto home using G28 x and y seems ok but as soon a Z tries it makes a horrible noise i have to click emergency stop

but the z movement seems fine i can move it manually up and down
what could be doing this ?? 

i have a hictop 3DP17_398 3D Printer and was using Marlin_3DP17_398 previous to this


  • Z home and z move are same commands. They may only differ in speed so set z home speed to what sounds good for you:-)
  • i have changed the speed down to 4mms but still get the noise on homeing only
  • Hard to say more without knowing how that noise sounds. Is it loosing steps? How many steps per mm do you use?
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