Problem with octoprint an server 0.91(SHOWS IDLE)

Hello, I have a printer 3DCSTAR p802M like zonestar p802. It has a MELZI electronic v2 maybe.


It has repetier 0.91 installed. I am using raspberry pi 2 with octoprint, but today when I was printing LCD shows IDLE but printer is printing, althought I have not control with Raspberry by the web.

Then raspberry Works again during a time, but it stopped again (RBP)

What is the problema?

Why shows IDLE in four line of LCD?


  • Firmware shows idle if the move buffers are empty. Sounds like communication problems if it happens in print. You should have a look at the log when it happens if you see some errors in communication.
  • FInally, it stopped before works was finished. I can not access to raspberry by web.  

    this is log file

  • What I mean is communication log around the time it happens and you should see the problem yourself if you look at it at right timestamp. The octoprint server log is not helpfull here.
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