Missing advanced menu in DEV version when printing!

edited February 2017 in Repetier-Firmware
I use the Repetier DEV version on my delta.
From the end of November some advanced menu when printing are missing, and this is not good for advanced users, i want to tune acceleration, jerky and others during printing, like in the version 0.92.
There's way to restore this menu?



  • It is a flag in the main menu that hides it during print. In uimenu.h line 1400

    UI_MENU_SUBMENU_FILTER_T(ui_menu_settings, UI_TEXT_CONFIGURATION_ID, ui_menu_configuration,0,MENU_MODE_PRINTING)

    replace MENU_MODE_PRINTING with 0 and it appears always. Same with any other menu you do not want to disappear.
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