Cannot adjust nozzle distance from bed during print.
Hello I am having a problem with the distance between the nozzle and print bed. I have an i3 style printer with a melzi 2.0 board and an inductive Z probe. I have tried many ways to adjust this height but it seems that nothing works. It's as if the value "Z-probe height" is not accounted for when printing begins.
Initially, I lowered the sensor (to avoid bed-nozzle contact), lowered the Z axis until the probe triggered, loosened the probe, lowered Z until the nozzle was 0.1mm above the bed and adjusted the probe to just barely trigger. I should have been able to leave the offsets at 0 and the nozzle should be 0.1mm above the bed, correct? Apparently not, it was always too high to put a layer down correctly and it just squirts everywhere.
Right now when my probe triggers, the nozzle is 2.1mm above the bed. I specified 2.0 mm in the "Z-probe height" EEPROM field. When it homes, it moves 2mm down after probe trigger, and rises back up. When I try to print, the nozzle is 4+mm off the bed.
What am I doing so wrong? Z-probe height is the correct field to edit to change the nozzle to bed relationship, right?
Thanks for the help!