How do I get auto bed levelling to use the method that I set up?


I have an Anet A8 running Repetier firmware with and inductive auto bed levelling sensor. I have set auto levelling up and it seems to be working but when I run the G32 command it probes the bed along diagonal lines from the front left to the back right corner of the bed meaning half the bed isn't being measured. I have set bed levelling method 0 in the configuration.h file (probes 3 corners) but it appears to be ignoring this and doing it its own way. How do I get the firmware to probe using level method 0 when I run the auto level command?

Thanks in advance!


    This method measures at the 3 probe points and creates a plane through these points. If you have
    a really planar bed this gives the optimum result. The 3 points must not be in one line and have
    a long distance to increase numerical stability.

    This measures a grid. Probe point 1 is the origin and points 2 and 3 span a grid. We measure
    BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE points in each direction and compute a regression plane through all
    points. This gives a good overall plane if you have small bumps measuring inaccuracies.

    so method 0 is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. 3 points are always a triangle. Assuming bed is flat that is enough. If you think bed has bumps, measurements have errors use method 1 with e.g. 3x3 grid. Be aware that points p0->p1 and p0->p2 span the parallelogram measured.
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