Settings Extruder X_Offset & Y_Offset
I have mounted two extruders and adjusted the offsets in the Configuration.h:
#define EXT0_X_OFFSET 0
#define EXT0_Y_OFFSET 0
#define EXT0_Z_OFFSET 0
#define EXT1_X_OFFSET 76
#define EXT1_Y_OFFSET -38
#define EXT1_Z_OFFSET 0
and for the Eeprom
"Id": 1,
... / ...
"XOffset": 1,
"YOffset": -0.5,
"ZOffset": 0,
"XOffsetSteps": 76,
"YOffsetSteps": -38,
"ZOffsetSteps": 0,
In the 'Configuration' menu, values are displayed correctly :

It's not possible to modify the values for the X & Y, only the Z value can be modified but the multiplier does not work, it takes several clips to move from 0.01mm.
I have mounted two extruders and adjusted the offsets in the Configuration.h:
#define EXT0_X_OFFSET 0
#define EXT0_Y_OFFSET 0
#define EXT0_Z_OFFSET 0
#define EXT1_X_OFFSET 76
#define EXT1_Y_OFFSET -38
#define EXT1_Z_OFFSET 0
and for the Eeprom
"Id": 1,
... / ...
"XOffset": 1,
"YOffset": -0.5,
"ZOffset": 0,
"XOffsetSteps": 76,
"YOffsetSteps": -38,
"ZOffsetSteps": 0,
In the 'Configuration' menu, values are displayed correctly :

It's not possible to modify the values for the X & Y, only the Z value can be modified but the multiplier does not work, it takes several clips to move from 0.01mm.
#define EXT1_X_OFFSET -76
#define EXT1_Y_OFFSET 38
#define EXT1_Z_OFFSET 0
et pour le Eeprom
"Id": 1,
... / ...
"XOffset": -1,
"YOffset": 0.5,
"ZOffset": 0,
"XOffsetSteps": -76,
"YOffsetSteps": 38,
"ZOffsetSteps": 0,
but the rotary button has no effect on the X-Offset and Y-Offset values.
I will therefore use the editor
But I tested with the old lines of code (v0.92) :
//INCREMENT_MIN_MAX(Extruder::current->xOffset, RMath::min(static_cast<int32_t>(1),static_cast<int32_t>(Printer::axisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS] / 100)), -9999999, 9900999);
INCREMENT_MIN_MAX(Extruder::current->xOffset, 1, -99999, 99999);
//INCREMENT_MIN_MAX(Extruder::current->yOffset, RMath::min(static_cast<int32_t>(1),static_cast<int32_t>(Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS] / 100)), -9999999, 9999999);
INCREMENT_MIN_MAX(Extruder::current->yOffset, 1, -99999, 99999);
This works perfectly with my configuration, one click for 0.01mm
I keep this code.
<epr pos="3" type="3" value="76.0000">X-axis steps per mm</epr>
<epr pos="7" type="3" value="76.0000">Y-axis steps per mm</epr>
<epr pos="11" type="3" value="400.0000">Z-axis steps per mm</epr>