Computation problem with RAMPS V1.4 and 128x64 lcd?
I've used for a long time the classic display for "RAMPS V1.4 and Arduino Mega 2560" without ever having this problems.
I recently installed the "RepRapDiscout Full Graphic Smart Concoller 128x64" and see my video, at 0:48:
Roland, what do you think? Is a computation problem?
It's obvious during the infill print.
Same issue when print from SD and from USB.
I recently installed the "RepRapDiscout Full Graphic Smart Concoller 128x64" and see my video, at 0:48:
Roland, what do you think? Is a computation problem?
It's obvious during the infill print.
Same issue when print from SD and from USB.
Now, i verified that, raising the print speed to 200% still experiencing slow issues like in my video (not good), also without touch the rotary switch, the LCD still requires too many resources to the cpu even if i don't touch anything!
So Roland what do you think to implement a sorta of "screensaver" to disable the LCD after "x seconds" during printing for decrease the cpu overcharging, and to reactivate it if you move the pot?
So the problem is the processor computation with the "128x64 LCD" and delta printer, for this reason i ask to implement a sorta of "screensaver", you could leave the screen just a blinking cursor or an asterisk, indicating that the display is paused.
If the code doesn't have the burden of having to renew the LCD screen surely the processor remains freer to print, even on Arduino 2560 with "128x64 LCD", and also with the other display.
Why not try? ;-)
During printing i don't look at the display for hours... ;-)
Cellular phone use this trick to save the battery, i'm sure Repetier can use this for Arduino Uno boards and delta printer...