Viki 2 LCD on RAMPS v1.4
I recently bought a Viki 2 display for my RAMPS powered 3D printer. I was glad to see that the Repetier-Firmware already had an option in the Display Controller drop-down for the Viki 2, but was disappointed when I found out that RAMPS didn't have a pin-out configuration already written in. So, I made my own! (In truth, I just re-wrote the Azteeg X3 pinout to match a RAMPS board).
Using the wiring diagram provided by Panucatt here: v1.2.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJ2JSYZ7O3I4JO6DA/20161203/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20161203T212044Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=fdfabb589045e1834bafae280c920299866f3311332fef2c05aeea1dfd28fd80&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host&response-content-type=application/pdf
I wired up the Viki 2 LCD to the RAMPS board. (One pin wasn't defined, BTN, Panel Mounted Button Switch. I believe this is for the little red button on the display. I'm not sure what the RAMPS pin is [31?], or how to define the KILL_PIN in Repetier, so I just left it off.)
Once it was wired up, I downloaded the Repetier-Firmware with Viki 2 graphics controller selected as my Display Controller. Make sure you also select "Reverse encoder direction."
Next, I edited the ui.h file. Near the bottom you'll find: #if FEATURE_CONTROLLER == CONTROLLER_VIKI2, followed by several motherboard pinouts. The first motherboard is Azteeg X3. Change it to read like this:
#define SDCARDDETECT 49 // sd card detect as shown on drawing
#define BEEPER_PIN 35
// Display A0
#define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN 47
// Display CS
#define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN 32
#define UI_ENCODER_A 45
#define UI_ENCODER_B 41
#define UI_RESET_PIN -1
#define RED_STATUS_LED 39
#define BLUE_STATUS_LED 37
Save your changes and upload the firmware. Mine works perfectly. I hope this helps anyone that wants to install a Viki 2 LCD onto there Repetier-Firmware powered RAMPS v1.4 board.