Printfilling issues
in Bug Reports
I'm using Repetier with a Davinci 2.0 duo. When i print the walls are always ok but between, as u can see, it is crap. The 3d model isn't hollow and i really dont know why the filling between the walls (not infill) isn't uniformly. A problem with Z or speed could not be, cause the walls are nearly perfect.
I'm using Repetier with a Davinci 2.0 duo. When i print the walls are always ok but between, as u can see, it is crap. The 3d model isn't hollow and i really dont know why the filling between the walls (not infill) isn't uniformly. A problem with Z or speed could not be, cause the walls are nearly perfect.

The first preview? U mean when i sliced the 3D model? That seems to be ok....
After sliceing
Bevor sliceing
As u can see, the infill on the left ist ok, and there it is touching the walls. Got the same problem with other prints.