3d Laser Printer

Friends, I
build the powdered printer.

The laser
works fine only mode - Laser

But now it
is not included second extruder motor connector for leveling each layer of

The code
that you offered to me earlier for the control shaft through the extruder
motor. works fine mode only - FFF


G92 E0

M302 S1;
allow cold extrusion

G1 E-100

G1 E0
F3000; back to origin

M302 S0




Here the


mode fff 

mode Laser

How can I run it all together at the same time and the laser engine and a second extruder connected to the shaft  ?


  • Your laser video is private, but you already said the solution - switch printing mode. Just uploaded new dev version that wait for end of moves when switching modes, which is important in your case. New code would be

    M451 ; FFF mode for shaft


    G92 E0

    M302 S1;
    allow cold extrusion

    G1 E-100

    G1 E0
    F3000; back to origin

    M302 S0

    M452 ; Back to laser mode

    The problem is quite simple - in laser mode we interpret E moves as laser on during move and not as motor move. I guess you used that fact already to use simple slicer output.

  • edited October 2016
    I am grateful for the correct code! The mode switches and the device is moving correctly.
    I would like to clarify donations are accepted only through pay pal? Are there any alternative payment systems?
  • For simple donations yes, works best across all countries.

    If we speak about a better sum you can mail us for IBAN banking number, but that generally complicates bookkeeping.
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