endstone hits x

Hey everyone!

So i have recently bought a pursa i3 and assembled it correctly, downloaded the software and began to program it, but now i have problems with the endstop of the x motor. Y and z work. The problem is: my endstop is set to min x endstop( the cable). If i want the motor on the left side it works but the endstone doesnt. If i want the motor on the right side, it only goes as far as the motor was when i turned it on. Its then saying: endstone hits x only the endstone is on the other side.
I tried putting the cable to endstone max of x, but then i cant turn the motor to the right side, even if i turn the motor to the left and the display keeps saying: endstone hits x.

Please help me, i worked yesterday 3 hours till 1 am and woke up up at 6 to fix it, im really frustrated!
Thanks(sorry for bad english)


  • If you have endstop at x max tell firmware that you have. You can assign x max endstop the x min endstop pin. Just make sure to set x min endstop as undefined. Also set homing direction for y to 1. Then it work as you expect. M119 should show only x max endstop.
  • How can i assign x max endstop the x min endstop? Why should i do y to 1,i thought It worked...
  • @FlyingDutchman  
    try M119 to see status of endstops. Do it deactivated then activated. That will tell you if it is working. Go from there, switch bad, wiring, configuration? 
  • "How can i assign x max endstop the x min endstop?"

    position and pin connected are 2 different things. You can positiona endstop connectted to x min pin at x max, but you have to tell firmware you did so set x min endstop to not connected and x max endstop to use x min endstop pin.
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