Remote unload filament

Hi! Is there way to unload the filament using the repetier software?

I would like to unload filament remotely, so using teamviewer on my laptop that is connected to my Vellerman K8400.
It would also be great to unload the filament while the printhead is back tot its home point (and not in the middel of the plate like it's doing now).

Is this possible? Maybe using G-code?


  • Use the pause feature. You can configure a pause script to go to a safe position when paused. Then you can control everything using manual controls and continue when you want.

    If unloading needs a special sequence of gcodes write a user script for one the 1-5 script buttons.
  • thanks! But is it possible to unload using a script instead of manual controls?
  • Just write the commands into a script you need for unloading.

  • what are the commands? :)

  • Depends on what you need. Just show commands in log and do it manually, then you see the commands that get send. Just take them without Nxxx and * checksum in the script. Or check gcodes entry in wikipedia for command list.
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