Diamond Hotend (3 extruder) and Repetier firmware
I just bought the diamond hotend to gain some multicolor printing experience. It is installed on a MendelMax 1.5-style printer.

As for the extruders I'm using three NEMA14 geared mini extruders (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:153356) which work quite fine. The filament feed is done by three bowden cables.
I decided to use the Repetier Firmware (now: V 0.92.9) because of the advanced support of multiextruder / one hotend combination and the excellent host software which I use since 2013.
The printer is just finished and I made only a handfull of test prints. But by now everything works great and I only go a problem with the new implemented decoupling feature (hotend and heatbed were shut down - printing was stopped) which I dectivated first.

As for the extruders I'm using three NEMA14 geared mini extruders (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:153356) which work quite fine. The filament feed is done by three bowden cables.
I decided to use the Repetier Firmware (now: V 0.92.9) because of the advanced support of multiextruder / one hotend combination and the excellent host software which I use since 2013.
The printer is just finished and I made only a handfull of test prints. But by now everything works great and I only go a problem with the new implemented decoupling feature (hotend and heatbed were shut down - printing was stopped) which I dectivated first.