Firs execute FString inside a command already called from a gcode can be dangerous, also in this case it is ok I think.
Why jerk gets interesting here is that the planner sees a direction change of 90° for the extra move twice so it assumes jerk is an issue here. What force is required here depends on where the reason lies and if it start moving a mass (especially with wrong backlash length this will happen). But since jerk 100 makes it not slow down it should work, but I think you are resetting too early. Think of a circle at top. You want to change y from + to - direction while going to the right. It adds a move x=0, y = backlash so your setting is valid for the first 90° switch but the next one when the planned move is added also has 90° and you reduce jerk before that, so it will slow down on the second corner, but not the first one.
For speep reasons do not use executeFString, just run
Thanks! I had tried to put the jerk change also in this position but it is also not working.
With the change here, the second 90º corner of the backlash seems to be fast, as desired, but still, before doing the first corner, the extruder is decelerated.
All I can say is that you need it high for both calculateMove calls after detecting you want backlash to cover both edges. Shoudl all be done in queue move as that is the only place where you know about the special case. Once the max junction speed is computed, there should be no update required any more. If it gets updated another time it would use the currently set maxJerk. This is a bit tweaking a variable that was never meant to be changed during print, but none the less I think it should work.
Why jerk gets interesting here is that the planner sees a direction change of 90° for the extra move twice so it assumes jerk is an issue here. What force is required here depends on where the reason lies and if it start moving a mass (especially with wrong backlash length this will happen). But since jerk 100 makes it not slow down it should work, but I think you are resetting too early. Think of a circle at top. You want to change y from + to - direction while going to the right. It adds a move x=0, y = backlash so your setting is valid for the first 90° switch but the next one when the planned move is added also has 90° and you reduce jerk before that, so it will slow down on the second corner, but not the first one.
For speep reasons do not use executeFString, just run
Printer::maxJerk = 10;
which is all that M207 X10 does.#if ENABLE_BACKLASH_COMPENSATION
if((p->isXYZMove()) && ((p->dir & XYZ_DIRPOS) ^ (Printer::backlashDir & XYZ_DIRPOS)) & (Printer::backlashDir >> 3)) { // We need to compensate backlash, add a move
Printer::maxJerk = 70;
uint8_t wpos2 = linesWritePos + 1;
if(wpos2 >= PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE) wpos2 = 0;
PrintLine *p2 = &lines[wpos2];
memcpy(p2, p, sizeof(PrintLine)); // Move current data to p2
uint8_t changed = (p->dir & XYZ_DIRPOS) ^ (Printer::backlashDir & XYZ_DIRPOS);
float back_diff[4]; // Axis movement in mm
back_diff[E_AXIS] = 0;
back_diff[X_AXIS] = (changed & 1 ? (p->isXPositiveMove() ? Printer::backlashX : -Printer::backlashX) : 0);
back_diff[Y_AXIS] = (changed & 2 ? (p->isYPositiveMove() ? Printer::backlashY : -Printer::backlashY) : 0);
back_diff[Z_AXIS] = (changed & 4 ? (p->isZPositiveMove() ? Printer::backlashZ : -Printer::backlashZ) : 0);
p->dir &= XYZ_DIRPOS; // x,y and z are already correct
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
float f = back_diff[i] * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[i];
p->delta[i] = abs((long)f);
if(p->delta[i]) p->dir |= XSTEP << i;
//Define variables that are needed for the Bresenham algorithm. Please note that Z is not currently included in the Bresenham algorithm.
if(p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[X_AXIS] && p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = Y_AXIS;
else if (p->delta[X_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS] ) p->primaryAxis = X_AXIS;
else p->primaryAxis = Z_AXIS;
p->stepsRemaining = p->delta[p->primaryAxis];
//Feedrate calc based on XYZ travel distance
xydist2 = back_diff[X_AXIS] * back_diff[X_AXIS] + back_diff[Y_AXIS] * back_diff[Y_AXIS];
p->distance = sqrt(xydist2 + back_diff[Z_AXIS] * back_diff[Z_AXIS]);
p->distance = sqrt(xydist2);
// 56 seems to be xstep|ystep|e_posdir which just seems odd
Printer::backlashDir = (Printer::backlashDir & 56) | (p2->dir & XYZ_DIRPOS);
p->calculateMove(back_diff, pathOptimize, p->primaryAxis);
p = p2; // use saved instance for the real move
//Define variables that are needed for the Bresenham algorithm. Please note that Z is not currently included in the Bresenham algorithm.
if(p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[X_AXIS] && p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS] && p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[E_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = Y_AXIS;
else if (p->delta[X_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS] && p->delta[X_AXIS] > p->delta[E_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = X_AXIS;
else if (p->delta[Z_AXIS] > p->delta[E_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = Z_AXIS;
else p->primaryAxis = E_AXIS;
p->stepsRemaining = p->delta[p->primaryAxis];
if(p->isXYZMove()) {
xydist2 = axisDistanceMM[X_AXIS] * axisDistanceMM[X_AXIS] + axisDistanceMM[Y_AXIS] * axisDistanceMM[Y_AXIS];
p->distance = RMath::max((float)sqrt(xydist2 + axisDistanceMM[Z_AXIS] * axisDistanceMM[Z_AXIS]), fabs(axisDistanceMM[E_AXIS]));
p->distance = RMath::max((float)sqrt(xydist2), fabs(axisDistanceMM[E_AXIS]));
} else
p->distance = fabs(axisDistanceMM[E_AXIS]);
p->calculateMove(axisDistanceMM, pathOptimize, p->primaryAxis);
void PrintLine::calculateMove(float axisDistanceMM[], uint8_t pathOptimize, fast8_t drivingAxis) {
if(Printer::maxJerk != 20){
Printer::maxJerk = 20;
//// reset jerk here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
resetting maxJerk in calculateMove void all your tries to set it to 70 of course.