Time of printing
Hello, first of all i'm sorry for my english
second, i want to show on display (on status screen) time of print.
f.ex. - i slice in CURA - and it show the whole (total) time of printing will be 02:15:20 and save in on the file *.gcode
then i start the printing, and timer start - so if it will be printing half hour from start (begin printing) on LCD show 00:30:00 (this is i care the most of)
excellent modyfication will be show something like this:
time printing (real print time) / total need time (f.ex reading from cura line of gcode)
for example - 00:30:00 / 02:15:20
i hope i make myself clear.
second think is showing after end printing time printing and use filament, so if printing ends, on LCD shows
but it was not for TOTAL USE, but only for this one printing...
I use repetier firmware 0.92 and the LCD Graphic 12864, Arduino Mega and RAMPS 1.4
i know that some of this i can do in RasperryPi, but i don't have one, so i want do this on LCD
It is possible ?