G32 Does not Respect Probe offset


Whatever I Try G32 uses the nozzle position and not teh Probeposition, Moved the Probing point where measurements are deffinatly possible!

any Ideas?


  • I am experiencing the exact same, I think.

    When I use G29 S1, i get 'perfect' probing, with the probe offsetting to the XY location of the extruder, and getting the correct levels etc.

    But when i use G32 S1, then the probe is not offset and after a run, everything is offset, so the X0 and Y0 has changed and the Z0 is above the bed.

    A thought I have is that G32 does not use the offset when measuring, but adds the offset after the run? Or maybe it is not using the EEPROM values, but using the values originally compiled (in flash).
  • Please run G0 X100 Y100 Z10 
    before calling it to be on a safe place to start. Z10 should be z probe bed distance or lower.
  • Thank you. That solved my problem at least :)
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