GCODE not what I am expecting.
I use RepetierHost and slic3r. In the slic3r application under filament---> cooling I do not have cooling checked. In slic3r I have an extruder temp set for 230 for the filament I am using and a bed temp of 50. After slicing with slicer I see entries like the following in the gcode: M106 S255 (fan on high) and M109 S200 (set extruder temp). Where are these values being definded? and why are they being placed in the gcode since I am not setting them anywhere. Or if I am I have no idea where. I looked in the firmware but I did not find them there. I am lost as to where they are being definded.
I have to edit the GCODE to fix these values. At a lower extruder temp of 200 my extruder begins to buck and the print will fail.