Mirrored Stepper Socket - Can't Reverse Direction
Hi all,
I've been messing around with Repetier 0.92.8 and have run into a bit of trouble with my dual Z axis setup. I was initially experiencing problems with one driver not being able to drive both motor and were under powered. I saw the mirroring option in the (new to me) .92 firmware and thought it would solve the problem by being able to use 2 drivers to control the Z. I am able to us Repetier Host to move the Z in one direction however when I attempt to run the opposite direction one motor will reverse but the mirrored socket still travels the same direction. Any thoughts on this??
I'm running Ramps 1.4. One of the Z axis steppers is wired to the original location. The second Z axis stepper is wired to the Extruder 0 socket.
In the Repetier firmware tool, I selected the option the on the Z axis stepper motor to mirror motor signals to the other stepper driver (FEATURE_TWO_ZSTEPPER).
Thanks for any help.