Firmware Upgrade from 0.92 to 1.04

Hi All , 
I'm new to Repetier and 3d printing 
just got an XYZ DaVinci 2.0 Duo with an installed 0.92 repetier Firmware 
i wonder if there is an easy way to upgrade this FW to the recent one 
i only found the configuration tool on the Homepage, but i have no clue wich settings i have to enter :(
version 0.92 is working so i assume the settings are correct, is there a way to extract them and feed them into the configuration tool

is a inplace upgrade somehow possible ?
Got anyone idea


  • Do not update! DaVinci has quite some quirks so it is not officially supported by us. What you have is the installation of a modified version with additions to make it work on DaVonci (github luc is the author of it). Regarding print quality there is also no real difference in versions. It just supports newer hardware whcih you do not need. So best is be happy that it works and use the version installed.
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