Extrusion Flowrate Adjustment Malfunction

edited January 2016 in Extruder & Bed
While printing, when the flowrate is reduced via Repetier-Host OR the printer's LCD screen, the extruder runs at the slower rate until it reaches the end of a line. At the end of every line, the extruder quickly accelerates and dumps excess plastic, then continues the next line at the slower rate. The longer the line, the greater the dump at the end of it. However, flowrate adjustment works in MatterControl. Please advise.

Printer: Rostock Max V1
Board: Rambo 1.1b
Firmware 0.91 by SeeMeCNC uploaded via Arduino IDE 1.6.1 with Arduino Mega 2560 board selected.
Firmware extruder config values:
Start feedrate 45 mm/s
Max feedrate 100 mm/s
Accel 6500 mm/s^2


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