EEprom write issues Davinci 1.0a

EEprom write issues Davinci 1.0a

Hi, i seem to have a problem and i've long for a solution without success.

I'm on mac (el capitan, but tested on maverics and windows also), i cant get the printer to save the eeprom settings, i can modify them live (either on the printer itself or via repetier host) but once i reboot the printer the settings i changed are gone.

When i check the messages it says unable to write to SD, any ideas?


  • EEPROM and SD are 2 different things.

    If you change eeprom by host form it is stored directly to eeprom. Over lcd you might need to say save eeprom.
    Make sure you never use M502 whcih would overwrite eeprom with config settings.

    Last reason to reinit settings is a defect in eeprom. We write a checksum on any change and if it does not match on startup, we reinit data. To verify that you need to change in Eprom.cpp function void EEPROM::init() at the end



            HAL::eprSetByte(EPR_MAGIC_BYTE,EEPROM_MODE); // Make datachange permanent


            storeDataIntoEEPROM(storedcheck != check);


    which deletes eeprom. Add a message to it



    Com::printFLN(PSTR("Reinitalizing EEPROM due to checksum error");

            HAL::eprSetByte(EPR_MAGIC_BYTE,EEPROM_MODE); // Make datachange permanent


            storeDataIntoEEPROM(storedcheck != check);


    Then make some changes and hit reset while connected. Then if you see the message you know your eeprom checksum detects a error. Then you can change the top of init to be always true ignoring checksum and hope the variable stored wrong is not important for you.

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