Geeetech A10M getting error Communication timeout - reset send buffer block
I am getting the above error but it shows it is connected but it gets commands waiting and the "Communication timeout - reset send buffer block" error.
I am on windows 11 and have multiple serial connections with other devices, Multiple lasers and a CNC router and no problems with their connections. I have made sure which port it is and changed which hub and even which usb port on the computer. I have played with the baud rate, currently at 115200.

I am on windows 11 and have multiple serial connections with other devices, Multiple lasers and a CNC router and no problems with their connections. I have made sure which port it is and changed which hub and even which usb port on the computer. I have played with the baud rate, currently at 115200.

Typical baud rates are 115200 and 250000. In rare cases it depends on RTS/DTR end level. If you disable easy mode and disable all filters you see if there is any feedback from printerl. If it is readable baudrate is ok. Then only the level for receiving commands is wrong.