mks base v1.2 board with Y axis not working.

I have a problem with my Y axis not working. I have tried to use E1 for the Y axis by exchanging the pin numbers for step, driction, and enable  but still can't get the Y axis to move. Is there something else I need to do?


  • No, in config tool you can just select the motor socket. As long as it is used only by one axis/extruder you are free to select anything. Is it same driver or a new driver at different pints? Sometimes drivers get defect which might be another reason. Also check if it is has same enable handling as other motors if all drivers are the same. Some need hig others low to work and wrong checkbox there can cause same issue.
  • colin3d said:
    I have a problem with my Y axis not working. I have tried to use E1 for the Y axis by exchanging the pin numbers for step, driction, and enable  but still can't get the Y axis to move. Is there something else I need to do?

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