Z Endsstop crashes into bed after pullup in right direction.
I dont get it. After Z homing into my mechanical Endstop it raises 5mm like I set in the Repetier-Firmware. After release the its going into Z again and complete ignores the Endstop.
What can solve that issue!?
I´m coming from Marlin, but tried several times to set up a Repetier-Firmware. But now i think ill regret it again to do so.. its so ... "unhandy", but others told me its so "logical", nah.
Best regards
What can solve that issue!?
I´m coming from Marlin, but tried several times to set up a Repetier-Firmware. But now i think ill regret it again to do so.. its so ... "unhandy", but others told me its so "logical", nah.
Best regards
I didnt found any useful settings in Eeprom.ccp nor in Eeprom.h.
Not sure that cause the pullup issue, but then I ask myself what does the error will fix now?
Sry, but Line 248 to 314 are a complete mess.
ENDSTOP_Z_BACK_ON_HOME should be 0 but in eeprom you might have a different value still. Upload only removes it when you change EEPROM_MODE or explicitly send gcode to reset to factory default.
> "Compilation error: 'DIOFAN2_PIN_WPORT' was not declared in this scope"
has probably nothing to do with z homing. It means you used somewhere pin FAN2_PIN in configuration also your board does not have it.
Okay, got ya.
But still cant find the issue.
I use a RAMPS 1.4 wit a controller fan extender on the servo pins. Them also not running but I think this is an issue for another topic.
This is the first Repetier Firmware I got running. Its a vanilla like version, because I never got it running with the web based conigurtation tool compiled wit arduino ide. So now ill start from here out.
15:52:18.977 : Detected EEPROM version:20
I just killed Repetier-Firmware from my Eeeprom and installed so called "Marlin" Firmware.
Ill leave this forum now.