Where is are the Z-Probe Settings

I'm running a Geeetech A30M with 3D Touch and glass bed.

My nozzle steadily crashes into bed when I try to print. No problem printing from card. I have scoured forums and have found all kinds of advice. I'm sure it has something to do with my z-endstop and z- min config. Nothing seems to tell you where you will find these settings. Not gonna lie I'm probably amateur level tech savvy, I would consider the next level tech would be able to do basic code commands, I've tinkered with little success.

I have seen others show some additional settings in the manual controls tab that I don't have on mine and there are no z-settings for me to configure under that tab. So where are they? Thanks in advance.


  • Don't everyone answer at once
  • Are you using repetier firmware? 3d touch is a bit hard to configure. You have no z min endstop and assign the pin to z probe instead I think. But to work correctly you must add activate/deactivate gcode to send the proper servo signal to deploy/retract the pin before, ensure being high enough to deploy (so evtl. move z up a bit before doing so). And give it a bit of time before reemploying it when you do repeated tests. 
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