DaVinci Missing Line Detected - Correcting Buffer Useage

I just installed Repetier Hose on my DaVinci 1.0A and I did my first print without issues. Now it keeps telling me there is a missing line detected and correcting buffer usage. Sadly I'm new to this software and a little lost as to what I have typed in wrong. 

Here's my G-Code if that helps: 
Start G-Code: 
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; Bed (no wait)
M106 S255 ; Start fan 
G90 ; set absolute coordinates 
G28 ; home all axis 
M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; Bed (wait)
M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; Extruder (no wait) 
M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; Extruder (wait) 
M117 Start 
M117 Cleaning 

End G-Code: M117; Done 
G92 E0 ; reset extrusion distance 
G1 E-3 F600 ; Retract 
M104 S0 ; turn off extruder 
M140 S0 ; turn off Bed 
G90 ; Absolute 
G28 X-33 Y-12 ; home x & y 
G1 Z150 ; Lower bed 
M100 ; Cleaning 


  • This is about communication with firmware. Firmware acknowledges which line it just received and if you send line 5 and 6 you should get

    ok 5
    ok 6

    but if you only get

    o 5
    ok 6

    It sees line 6 received and sees it missed line 5 because host did not understand the defect answer. Then you get this message. Enable ACK and commands in log and you will see this in more detail. Perhaps also some other resend errors assuming that both directions get errors. 

    You could try different baud rates (115200 and 250000) and different usb cables. Make sure not to cross close to power cables for bed or extruder. Then you might get it nearly error free. A error every now and then is normally no problem, that is why we have all these error checking included.
  • Thank you, I'll try a different cable but from what I gather everything is okay.
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