- better descriptions for z-probe


Could descriptions for z-probe be enhanced at I find these a bit confusing for newbies.

For example:
"Probe height [] [mm] = extruder height when probe triggers"

why this is named "probe height", no idea as defines it as "means when it triggers the nozzle is 1mm from bed away"

So maybe it should be described as "distance between nozzle and bed when probe triggers" instead of "extruder height when probe triggers" ? Would be less confusing.

Similar problem for:

Probe bed distance [] [mm] = Max. distance to go back for next test

to be replaced with "start probbing while being at specified distance above the bed" 

And for "Distance to switch off z probe" please add "how much is needed to go up to untrigger probe".

Last request (well, maybe this thread should be in "feature requests" subforum). Please add Configuration.h define names directly in web interface, too. For example like this: . It was much easier to look into config later and also to google for problems solutions.



  • Thanks for your suggestions. Have added the better explanations and also startet the variable addition. Will try to finish it the next weeks when I get some spare time. So it will grow over time.
  • Thanks. Noticed a bug, "general" tab, dimensions:

    Z min position

    ^^^^ Uses invalid variable name 
  • Yes, copy and paste error:-) Thanks.
  • Ok, in features, too:
  • Should stop copying nearly identical parts :-)
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