MB not listed

Hello, I am trying to setup/install the V1.0.4 FW on my new FOKOOS Odin-5 F3 printer but I am unsure what to do at the Processor/Motherboard selections as mine is not listed. I have the Makerbase MKS Robin Nano, 32-bit. the current FW is Marlin I believe  V 1.1.9. I do know for sure it is not the latest W as that is V 2.1.2, 18 Dec 2022. I look forward to any and all help with this issue. Thank you


  • Got distracted and forgot about this. Will I be able to set up the wi-fi module (ESP-12S) with this FW or will I need to do it separately, it has not been initialized or setup as of yet. Thank you again
  • Repetier-Firmware V1 does not support that processor. V2 does but not have settings for the borad, so it might be best to stay with Marlin which does have support for that board.
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