Error with creating video timelapse.
After running the latest fw update of Repetier server, I'm getting continuously error creating the timelapse video file.
The error it gives is:
After running the latest fw update of Repetier server, I'm getting continuously error creating the timelapse video file.
The error it gives is:
Uncatched error in video conversion: boost::filesystem::file_size: No such file or directory [system:2]: "/var/lib/Repetier-Server/printer/E5/timelapse/20220912T081358_CE5P_Lampenkabel_Verkrzungsring/video.mp4"
Anybody can help me how to fix this issue?
Friendly regards,
Anybody can help me how to fix this issue?
Friendly regards,
Note that in general settings->timelapse there is an option (selected by default) to delete images after successful conversion. Due to error message this should not have happened. In your case more likely the streamer was not running or url for jpg was wrong or snapshot condition was not met.
Checking server.log doesn't give me any error on 12.9 or today (after trying recreate.).
The latest lines in server.log:
Just run in ssh shell
tar -czf video.tgz /var/lib/Repetier-Server/printer/E5/timelapse/20220912T081358_CE5P_Lampenkabel_Verkrzungsring
and send me the file (dropbox, pastbin whatever you like). I then check if it is a issue I can catch in an update to fix it. Might also be an error or file missing, also I'd then expect a error message. The strange thing is that conversion functions ends without error but still failed to write file.