Z-probing reply error in delta printer
by UniversalRemonster ·First, verify that your probe is working with a G31. Does it toggle correctly? If you have a mechanical normally closed probe like mine, then #define Z_PROBE_PULLUP needs to be set to 1 before G31 wi… -
Print stops with "Warning: Missed line detected - correcting buffer usage"
by LANMAN ·My print jobs do not stop but I get.: Warning: Missed line detected - correcting buffer usage. -
Extra Motor Driver
by GRB352 ·I suppose I could post-process my gcode, and add in lots of G201 to make the extra motor keep up, but it seems like it would be easier to make it use the value for z height. -
SD Card Reader Setup
by Repetier ·#define SDSUPPORT 0should be -
problem with getting my xyz/home situated
by PixelPusher ·I replaced my Mega2560 and everything is back to "normal." xyz manual movements seem normal. M119 produces this: <endstops hit: x_min:L y_min:L z_min:L>I entered G28 and Nozzle moved … -
by davistanford ·hi, i got a problem... My printer is stoping many times in middle of a impression and show this message "resend: in the Log and stoping a few seconds -
I can't set my bed temp in Repetier Host any higher than 90?
by fefifofums ·I've changed Printer Settings->Extruder->Max bed temperature to 120 for an ABS print. However, when it gets past 90C, I get an error on the LCD screen of the printer saying MAX BED TEMPERATURE… -
repetier firmware on reprappro melzi board
by pekkie85 ·-its m5."You need to set this in eeprom normally which may explain why it has no effect." -
Delta printer phisical Dimensions
by nirg ·Hello, -
mixing extruder feedrate
by wkl666 ·"I also assume that with NUM_EXTRUDER 2 extruder 1 stills behaves normally?" -> NO... -
v092: "use_advance" in combination with "drive_system 2"
by andin ·Ok, problem found: -
Initial Delta Value Setup
by Lars ·Hello, -
Extruder motor not enabeling
by glentved ·Thank youI was not totally sure what that line did -
wrong z - direction for the z-probe on my prusa i3
by berserk ·Hello all, I am using it as the Z-min endstop with Z-max endstop and that works fine . But when I go to probe, the x-axis and y-axis moved correctly. but z-axis moved inverse.If I set "true"…