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@Repetier Thanks for your reply. I don't have any other software using this port and since Octoprint also fails to communicate, something is probably missing in the configuration. I am building brand new IDEX printer of my own design and there ar…
Found this thread https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?267,419630 that says default is that the firmware uses the programming port and there you can use the normal reset on connect. Only if you modify firmware to use native port instead you need to se…
Repetier Wow! Lots of good and new information for me and, hopefully, for other readers too. Thanks for your explanations and suggestions. I do have programming skills, but right now I am in the active phase of building new IDEX printer and my firs…
I was not able to find fast corexy setting in Configuration file, so I searched entire directory for FAST then found FAST_COREXYZ entry. Assuming you are referring to it, I searched entire directory again and got 18 hits shown on the screenshot. I c…
It just happened again. I cancelled the job via Octoprint and then hit Octoprint's Home XY button. Print-head moved to X-home, then paused, then did back and forth movement, as it should, followed by Y-homing. Here is the extract from Octoprint t…
Yes, once end-stop is triggered, print-head moves slightly back and then forward again (the same for all 3 axis). If I recall it right, the pause takes place after all moves along X are completed (including back and forth), right before print-head …
@Braccoz Thanks a lot!! Your link helped me to find the thread where it was initially posted. That thread contains lots of valuable information about firmware behavior in DUAL X mode.
@sennalb and/or @Braccoz I am also in the process of building IDEX. Could one of you please share the link to "useful video of Braccoz" Thanks
@Repetier Thanks!
I started building new printer and want to use ultratronics_pro_v1_0/ as the controller. I wonder - does Repetier firmware support Ethernet port on this board? Thanks
I'd rather not - their online store has invalid SSL certificate. Still, I will move them up in the list.
After couple of hours searching Internet here are my findings about aforementioned board availability as of today 17 May 2019. Hopefully this will save somebody time. Feel free to comment and correct me, if you see anything wrong with my grouping. …
Braccoz THANKS!!
I did not say the result will differ.Sorry, looks like I misread you post from Apr 27.
Selecting different points for G32 can rotate and mirror G32 behaviour.I run several tests with the original code and with the code that contains my modifications posted above. I don't see any difference in print quality and also in the way Bed Vis…
@Repetier Bed Visualizer plugin's developer is going to update the code to make it compatible with G33 command output. I provided him with the printout generated by Repetier version 1.0.3. Could you please confirm that the format of G33 printout did…
Below are 2 versions of modified block from Distortion.cpp file. The 1st version implements optimized, zig-zag shaped movement that starts from Xmin/Ymin. The directions of the movement are consistent with the movements performed after executing G32…
I think the plugin should test the positions, that is why we write them down.I concur with above statement. I was able to modify measureAutolevelPlane function in BedLeveling.cpp and make probe move is zig-zag manner. It works on my Core XY printer…
I just fixed the issue with Octoprint plugin by swapping 2 lines of code in Distortion.cpp file. I replaced ----------------------- void Distortion::showMatrix() { for(int ix = 0; ix < DISTORTION_CORRECTION_POINTS; ix++) { for(int iy =…
Thanks for quick response! If I get my Octoprint issue resolved, I post here the solution.
I used Marlin and Klipper firmware before switching to Repetier, but never had z-probe. Thus, this is the 1st time I am dealing with ABL. Here are few questions that I got after observing how firmware behaves when G32 and G33 commands are executed. …
After spending entire weekend soldering, googling for the info, tweaking configuration files and re-flashing firmware, it all finally came together and my home-made 3d printed z-probe started to work. The process of collecting data for Octoprint Be…
Thanks for quick reply. I am still waiting for sensor PCB to arrive and will report the results once z-probe is ready.