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Thanks, this worked. I was making really good progress until I stumbled on the extruder motor step per mm setting, or rather lack of it. I need to reduce current value 2.66 times. Tried to define EXT0_STEPS_PER_MM and EXT1_STEPS_PER_MM values but…
Repetier Thanks for the hint! I started from stacker X2 sample and spent almost whole day setting up version 2 on my IDEX. I made good progress, but to-do list is still pretty long. I documented all problems I faced and how I addressed them. I'm pla…
I've used ditto printing with ABL on and it worked OK. My 40cm x 40cm bed is not perfectly flat, but not too bad either. As for you explanation, it sounds like irregularities of bed along Z coordinate defines X. I thought it is other way around. B…
Just tested latest HAL files with the following GCode: M300 S262 P200 M300 S0 P50 M300 S196 P400 M300 S0 P50 M300 S196 P400 M300 S0 P50 M300 S220 P200 M300 S0 P50 M300 S196 P200 M300 S0 P250 M300 S247 P200 M300 S0 P50 M300 S262 P200Worke…
I tested the code posted in reply #2 here https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=136500.0 and in worked!! Just changed the pin number from 8 to 27. Ultratronics played a melody with different tones, which means the board works as advertised. Pasti…
Can you run the simple test also with tone like described hereI am out of town until the end of next week. Will try this once I am back.Thanks
I did further research and even contacted Ultratronics support. While I still don't know the reason why buzzer does not work as expected, here is what I've learned so far: As per explanation given here https://www.cuidevices.com/product-spotlight/pi…
when I look at the temperature curves the value seems to be positiv and the graphical LCD Display show also positive values. So, where do you see negative values?
I recently finished building new printer and was also getting negative temperatures when thermistor was not connected. Check your wiring, if you have a tester, measure resistance of the thermistor (typically should be close to 100 kOhm), make sure …
OK, what kind of board should I get if I want to use the V2 optimally?I'd suggest Ultratronics PRO. It supports 7 motors, has 32bit CPU and lots of other cool features. Not sure though if CoreXY support for it has been implemented in V2....Talking a…
Today I finally found the reason of the initial problem reported here. Since the topic of this discussion slightly shifted, I created a separate post to keep it short and not to confuse other users. Thanks
Your other solution is for LAZY mode that I am currently not using. With LAZY mode on, at M280, X1 moves to X=0 #if LAZY_DUAL_X_AXIS PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(-Extruder::current->xOffset, 0, 0, 0, EXTRUDER_SWITCH_XY_SPEE…
Looks like Z-probe's optical sensor was misbehaving when exposed to the heat coming from the heatbed. After replacing the sensor everything works fine with both G32 and G33. I will update this topic if the problem reoccurs.
Thanks for pointing out the exact place in the code. I was able to fix the issue by simply adding Printer::xMinSteps value to the end. So the line looks like this: PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps( -Extruder::current->xOffset + static_cas…
@Repetier Many Thanks!!! My printer is finally up and running in Ditto mode! I just want to add few notes for those who may be facing similar issues: - Earlier in this thread I wrote that the fact that "both extruders must have offset x set rela…
Thanks for sharing your configuration. That will definitely help and save me time. As for FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING, yes, I have it set to 1, but still getting unknown command error, which is strange. Will double check all the settings later today. T…
both extruders must have offset x set relative to x = 0, so left one needs -52 * 80 = -4160 then. I have not seen this being documented anywhere. Will try this setting today. The only partially working combination of settings that I found so far …
Update: Found from this topic that EXT1_X_OFFSET needs to be the distance in steps. Then found ever more info in Configuration.h file. Will need to test this: #define EXT1_X_OFFSET 32640 // 408 mm * 80 step/mm
Do you have probe plugged into Y-MIN? #define Z_PROBE_PIN ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN While it should not make any difference, I'd suggest using Z-MIN to avoid confusion.#define Z_PROBE_PIN ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN Also, these settings do not look right: #defi…
@Repetier I am planning to upgrade to v2 this weekend and start testing it, so M18 should resolves my issue. Thanks!
Just discovered command: G204 P S - Enable/disable motor Can I use it with X2 motor that is connected to Extruder 4 driver? What will be the P number for it? Thanks
@RAyWB Thanks a lot! This link is exactly what I was looking for. Also, after checking the source code, I found the answer to my last question. M280 has R argument (0/1) that switches mirrored mode off/on. Thanks
Great! Just few quick questions: - Could you please confirm that the version 2 branch is called on github dev2 ? - Should I use Arduino IDE to compile version 2, or other compiler (VSCode, Atom, etc.)? - If the answers on previous 2 questions are…
If you are looking for beta testers for version 2 - count on me. I have 2 printers running your firmware. One is Core XY H-bot with Velleman motherboard (ex-K8400), another Cartesian IDEX of my own design running on Ultratronics Pro v1.0. Both prin…
Yes, M42 P27 S255 makes sound even without power (only USB connected to RPI)! I could use M42 instead of M300; the downside is M42 does not allow to change tone frequency. Thanks!
My plan is to have left nozzle and z-probe at fixed height and level the bed relative to it. The right nozzle will be adjustable along Z, which should allow me to align it with the left nozzle vertically. Thanks
Sorry, what do you mean by "Dual-X has no z probe at all." ? Dual-X printers usually have bigger beds (mine is 40x40cm), which need bed leveling and distortion correction. I understand that nozzles have to be very well leveled, but could you confir…
@Repetier THANKS!! I am making progress (just successfully finished the very 1st print with single print-head), but there are still too many unknowns. The issue with X2 trying to to move beyond X2 endstop was resolved by correcting STEPPER_HIGH_…
There is definitely an issue with my configuration, because if Tool 0 is out of home position and I switch to Tool 1 (motor X2), Tool 0 returns to home (X_MIN) and then Tool 1 while already at X_MAX starts pushing further right ignoring X_MAX endsto…
Looks like zipped attached file got stripped. Here is the link to my Configuration.h on Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/pearvktl8a1d362/Configuration.h?dl=0