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  • I found the problem on SDcard.cpp . A semicolon missing at the end of..."fat.begin(SDSS)"     I added everything on SDCard.cpp with success!  No compiling error and Sd card accessible. As always thanks a lot for your support.
  • Yes !! it works!  I added in configuration. h as you said... #define ENABLE_SOFTWARE_SPI_CLASS 1 #define SD_SOFT_MISO_PIN 50 #define SD_SOFT_MOSI_PIN 51 #define SD_SOFT_SCK_PIN 52 but at first time compilation failed, it didn't like the added code…
  • Partially, I modified how  you suggest.. I think You need to set SdFatConfig.h #define ENABLE_SOFTWARE_SPI_CLASS 1 In repetier.h #if ENABLE_SOFTWARE_SPI_CLASS SdFatSoftSpi fat;#else SdFat fat;#endif instead of SdFat fat;-------------------…
  • Ok, well for you, radds offcourse support HW SPI. i'm not so lucky.
  • Hi, i found this note on SMART RAMPS page... Note:SMART RAMPS + DUE only support SW SPI, SMART RAMPS + MEGA2560 support HW SPI. It means, i presume, that i can forget update of your firmware after 1.0.0.What can i do? throw it in the trash?
  • I changed both lines, without result.  SD card regularly detected, but seems empty, it's not true offcourse.
  • Yes until 1.0.0. dev...worked perfectly.
  • Hi, i have same problem with Arduino due +Smartramps+ AZSMZ 12864. In 1.0.2 version SD doesn't works. I reduced speed to 4 MHz without result. Have you any ideas... Tnks In advance.
  • Ok, Thanks. I'll wait with confidence.
  • Just for test, i reprogrammed mega+ramps with dev version (fresh download), now M115 command show cap:eeprom:1 and menu item is enablad, but is exactly the same of arduino due...window gray with no text fileds like this...…
  • Yours. Dev version. M115 response in arduino mega... Cap:PROGRESS:1 Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1 Cap:EEPROM:0 .... in arduino due...with also DEV version // Cap:EEPROM:1 // It's enough i think. P.S. The eeprom window on arduino due, is not with empty …
  • Hi, i had same problem (0.2mm of difference) with my new hypercube, now solved i hope. In my case i adjusted thight belts. Be sure are the "same" tight, not too much, but no any play during movements, when you see "rigid" belt movement on your core…
  • Perfect, thanks. During the test i saw that the sd card didn't works. I solved using the adding in ui.h  the bold text... #if FEATURE_CONTROLLER == CONTROLLER_VIKI2 || FEATURE_CONTROLLER == CONTROLLER_AZSMZ_12864#undef SDCARDDETECT#define SDCARDDET…
  • Ok. Good. I don't want boring you, sorry. Anyway just to know smart ramps with eeprom compiling makes error. #error No predefined AZSMZ_12864 mapping for your board available without epprom instead is correct.
  • @RepetierHi, i solved the poor contrast mistery of my display.I Added in ui.cpp this code #ifdef LCD_CONTRAST    u8g_SetContrast(&u8g,LCD_CONTRAST);#endif that i found instead in other version, i think it was an oversight ! :-) after this part.…
  • Thanks to you... without your suggestion i would not find the software solution, and still trust me, it works beautifully. I have already turned on and off at least 50 times and never failed to startup. 
  • Thank you very much for your suggest, and searching everywhere i found also a  software solution thats works. I finished now and it's perfect!!Pratically is needed upgrade the firmware of atmel 16u2 (interfece USB-serial) using an other arduino as I…
  • @RAyWB Thanks for answer, but photo are blank. Here you can see the display...…
  • I got it, anyway i spoke about frequency or timing of multiplexing or something like that...becouse can't be the voltage of contrast infact with other version works. in this condiction with this hardware is almost impossible to use display
  • Thank you, perfect. So, the arduino board is "too"  fake, good i'll try with a new board at the next time. Instead for the poor contrast, this type of display "azsmz12864" has not contrast pot, but with the other mod version of your firmware working…
  • Update: With pins.h modified it works, but the display result with a poor contrast, instead with this : contrast is perfect, but there are other problem related to the temperature's un…
  • In the meanwhile i looked at pins.h and i added the eeprom pin as you suggest in an other post that i didn't see before..sorry. It works !
  • Well, my ramps has the eeprom...strange eeprom (atmlh 612), but there is (  I hope it is an eeprom !! :-)). I saw quickly the dev firmware, but onestly i didn't found the smart ramps option with or without eeprom and also the compilation with azsm 1…
  • Yes,yes i know. it's quite good really, but i don't understand why with my delta or with prusa before this mod the same object  (monocolor off course) come out without this "light" segmentation. Anyway never mind, i'm satisfied. i aim for perfection…
  • OMG ! Sorry link error. Now should be correct. It's a image... ...and , yes debug log is off.
  • Surely this is also true as you say. :-D Anyway just don't seem crazy... On left side you can see the original problem, on right side the actual condiction. Well, i can accept this condictio…
  • Fifty-fifty ?? no,no. It's my fault! end of story. :-D Finally it's a circle not a gear...i made some test with normal and dev firmware with alternative jerk and reduce on small circle and in any case it seems pretty smooth to the touch, but visual…
  • YES !! It is gone. It is the first test, but i think is solved. Thank you very much. I this point i want understand if is it my mistake...( i forgot to set right value ?) or my printer is "strange" and it wants a non zero value...
  • Well, in my first test the jerk was 13, now i used 20 and i made the new tests in this sequence dry and "wet" in all cases 1) small circle 4cm diameter 2) big circle 12cm diameter 3) small circle, dev firmware with option enabled how you suggest At…
  • Just for test i compiled a new firmware for only one extruder, like a normal printer to understand if the problem was centered on the diamond extruder management, but nothing change, so I tried to change every firmware option that could be intereste…