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  • Actually i dont know why the "listModels" command returns empty brackets. I am interesting to get all the files from the print page of the printer.  ( http://prntscr.com/mxqu5n ) They are not into a folder or something.  i was expecting with that…
  • But still some commands with empty parameter, as listJobs they dont work, so i am trying to find them through the working gui
  • Ah nice!   so in general this trick can work with all the things that i want to do. I can go to the " http://10.92.520.16:3344/ ", or whatever address the repetier running from, i can execute a command and through the web socket i can find what i …
  • http://prntscr.com/mwvgcx i did it but i was expecting, when i receive the answer with the pl:false to receive what the socket was excpecting, so i can transform my parameters and make the fix. i parse all the parameter as well as the documentatio…
  • i saw this folder even in the developer tools on chrome, with one firmware inside, which is for upload new irmware purpose. the truth is that i am a bit confused with the API and how with the different ways that i can use the commands and automate …
  • Perfect. After the upgrade i can use the lua commands, directly into the demo API combine with the already existing commands? except this i can build lua modules, and store them into a path so i can call them independently? Kind regards, Dimitris
  • let's say something like this.  for now I would like to pick a specific file for printing that I have on the printer memory, depending what i am getting. maybe to the future I would like to change some how and the G-code depending what I am gettin…