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  • Now I changed my wiring from Z min pin to Z max pin and it's working for several prints up to now. The high peak is actually about 180ms. Probe Speed is still 0,5mm/s but only one repetition. Don't know why but is seems like there is an issue with t…
  • Is seems this was only luck, on the second try probe alarm came up. Found out that the alarm comes when the probe is not rised in a certain amaount of time, it works when Z is rised within 240ms ( measured value ) and it do not work when it raises n…
  • @FlamingWidget : Have you set the BL-Touch to 5V manually, I had a similar issue, sometimes it worked sometimes not, but never could start a print job because somewhere the alarm get active. By checking the signals with oscilloscope it seems the "Lo…
  • Bei der Brechnungs-Methode bin ich dann auf das Problem gestoßen dass man keine 33.3% eingeben kann, nur ganze Zahlen. Da bin ich einfach nicht weiter gekommen, habe da im % Bereich herumgespielt und dann war mal zu viel und mal zu wenig "Extrusions…
  • Thank you for your support. Because I coudnt beleive the SW issue, I wanted to change the Z driver port to the E0 driver port and recognized that two cables were swapped - the STEP and the DIR. My stepper driver was delivered in with mirrored pins…